Minutes 2019
Minutes 2019
Minutes 2019
The minutes of the Parish Council are kept by the clerk and are intended as a record of decisions taken by Council. They should be kept as short as possible, and record those decisions taken along with (if considered necessary) any comments by councillors with a direct bearing on a decision. Comments and discussion by parishioners are not considered part of a meeting and therefore should not be included. No-one is entitled to request that specific items are minuted, although councillors may request that their vote is minuted (a 'recorded decision'). The minutes of each meeting are approved at the next meeting of the Parish Council. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting are approved at the next Annual Parish Meeting.
Approved minutes.pdf
November Minutes.pdf
December 19 Minutes.pdf
Minutes 170 September.pdf
October Minutes.pdf
Minutes 168 July.pdf
Minutes 169 August EPCM.pdf