Agendas 2019
Agendas 2019
All meetings of the Parish Council are public and we are always happy to see parishioners attend. There is a section at the beginning of each meeting for public participation; the rules for this section of public participation can be found below. If you have a question but are unable to attend the meeting, then contact a councillor who will speak on your behalf, or contact the clerk ( who is impartial and can raise questions or comments for you.
The agenda for each meeting will be posted here 3 clear working days before a meeting, along with any meeting papers.
Meeting Papers for each meeting can also be found here where doing so would not constitute a breach in data protection - if you would like any more information about papers you see then please contact the clerk. Draft policies will be shown here as part of the meeting papers and once approved, will appear on our Policies, Codes and Standing Orders page.
Public Participation - the Parish Council holds a public participation session before each meeting, starting at 19.30. In accordance with the Standing Orders, the public participation session will be for a maximum of 21 minutes in total. During this time, only one member of the public is permitted to speak at a time and for no longer than 3 minutes. Comments should be directed to the chairman of the meeting; questions shall not require a response at the meeting nor start a debate. Anyone who disturbs the proceedings may be required to withdraw. Following the public participation session, the Council meeting will begin; members of the public are not entitled to speak during the Council meeting. Groups attending the meeting with the same interest may appoint a spokesperson, but that spokesperson will still only be entitled to 3 minutes.