Data Protection and Freedom of Information
Data Protection
The Council is registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioner's Office . We do not gather information other than contact details of people that contact us in order to carry out the Council's duty in representing its parishioners. Before any data is gathered, we request permission to do so. No data is shared outside the Parish Council without explicit permission. If you change your mind, you can withdraw consent at any time by contacting the clerk on or 01837 53570. Information gathered is kept securely on the Parish Council computer, or in locked cabinets in the clerk's office. If you would like us to delete all data we hold on you, we can do this.
The Parish Council has made concerted efforts to be GDPR compliant, and will continue to monitor and improve its efforts to protect your data. If you believe there to be a data protection breach then please inform the clerk on 01837 53570 immediately, or a member of the Data Protection Breach Response Team such as Councillor Sampson, 01837 840620.
In November 2017 the Parish Council approved the Data Protection Policy (below) under minute 17/101f. In April 2018, the Parish Council approved the Privacy Policy (below) and the Subject Access Request Policy (below) under minutes 18/033 g. and h.
Freedom of Information
Publication Guide
We are also required to make clear what information is available from South Tawton Parish Council under the Freedom of Information publication scheme. This guide is available below. Please make any FOI requests to the clerk (, 01837 53570). It is helpful if you are happy to explain why you are interested in making a request, as this can help us to give you the most accurate information. Please be aware that FOI requests can take up to 20 working days and can incur a charge. Full details will be explained to you upon request; no charge will be made without full explanation and your acceptance. Repeated or vexatious requests may be rejected following guidance from the ICO.
Subject Access Requests
You are entitled to see all details that the council holds on you, in any format. If you would like to do this, please make a subject access request to the clerk (, 01837 53570).