On these pages you can find financial information relating to South Tawton Parish Council. The Transparency Code of 2015 requires us to publish
- End of year accounts
- Annual governance statement
- Internal audit report
- All items of expenditure above £100
- The details of public land and building assets
The end of year accounts, annual governance statement and internal audit report can all be found within each year's Annual Return, which is compiled largely by the clerk and Responsible Financial Officer before being passed to our Internal Auditor for approval and is then sent to an external auditor for final auditing. We publish all items of expenditure, and our fixed asset register to meet those requirements.
The Parish Council has an up-to-date Risk Management Policy that includes a number of safeguarding measures to protect the accounts. All transactions are logged by the clerk and are presented to Council on the agenda of every Council meeting. In addition, the Internal Financial Control Group meets with the Responsible Financial Officer on a quarterly basis to review all accounts. All transactions must be made by the Responsible Financial Officer with the authority of Council, and must then be approved by two councillors before payment is complete. Council also abides by our Financial Regulations (see below) which are reviewed annually.
Money for occasional expenditure (such as the Beating the Bounds event, which takes place every 7 years) is kept aside in the NS&I bank account, with reserves noted at audit annually so that this can be checked.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding the finances of the Parish Council, please contact the clerk (and Responsible Financial Officer) on and she will endeavour to help.