2018 - 2019


The end of year accounts for 2018 -2019 will be uploaded once approved by the Internal Auditor and by Council; the deadline is 1st July. The Council has certified itself as exempt from Limited Assurance Review since both receipts and payments for the year are under £25,000. Please find below the signed Certificate of Exemption.

Cert of Exemption 18-19.pdf
AGAR 2018-19.pdf

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018/19 Part 2

At the April 2019 meeting of the Parish Council, the Council declared itself exempt from limited assurance review as both the 2018/19 receipts and payments were under £25000. The certificate of exemption was signed accordingly and returned to the external auditor. Within the AGAR (below), you can find our Annual Internal Audit Report, completed by our Internal Auditor. You can also find the Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statements, completed by our Responsible Financial Officer and approved by the Internal Auditor, approved by the Parish Council.

Asset Register.pdf