
The Parish Council is a statutory consultee of all planning applications that go through one of our two planning authorities. Loosely, any application south of the A30 goes to the Dartmoor National Park Authority, and anything north of the A30 goes to West Devon Borough Council. The Parish Council aims to comment on all planning applications but does not have any decision making powers. All our most recent responses to planning application can be seen below.

Council will always listen to the comments of parishioners (positive or negative) about an application so please do get in touch. Applicants, or those with concerns, are entitled to speak during the public participation section of a meeting and can be asked questions during the planning section of the meeting if the councillors desire this.

The Parish Council treats all planning applications equally. While the Council aims to comment on all applications, we cannot advertise applications further around the village.

Planning applications can be viewed on the planning authority's website - the DNPA and WDBC. Both authorities are looking at reviews of their Local Plans. The DNPA's local plan information can be found here and West Devon's can be found here.

For information only; Report of any planning determinations received since the last meeting

a. DNPA0252/19 Little Hound, South Zeal, Retrospective change of use of existing outbuilding to self-contained holiday let – Conditionally Approved Subject to the following condition(s): 1.The development hereby permitted shall not be used or occupied other than for the provision of short let holiday accommodation and shall not at any time be used, let, sold or otherwise occupied as a separate unit of accommodation. No person, couple, family or group shall occupy or use the accommodation hereby permitted for a single period or cumulative periods exceeding 28 days in any calendar year. 2. The owner/operator of the holiday let hereby approved shall maintain an up-to-date register of the names and main home addresses of all occupiers and shall make this register available to the Authority for inspection upon request. 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification, no material alterations to the external appearance of the building(s) shall be carried out and no extension, building, enclosure, structure, erection, hard surface, swimming or other pool shall be constructed or erected in or around the curtilage of the holiday let hereby permitted, and no windows or roof lights other than those expressly authorised by this permission shall be created, formed or installed, without the prior written authorisation of the Local Planning Authority.